A-B Tech LIVE! Launched

A-B Tech LIVE! is a new social media initiative that launched this month with a look at what happens at A-B Tech. So far, we have dived into the Medical Laboratory Technology program, Surgical Technology, Veterinary Medical Technology, and some K9 explosives training.

A-B Tech LIVE! features our intrepid reporter Martha Ball embedding with classes and events to provide a more in-depth look into the programs and people of the college. You’ll see interviews with faculty, students, lab work, and other hands-on training that our students regularly practice.

A-B Tech Live! segments begin with a video uploaded simultaneously to the A-B Tech Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts, where there is a link that drives traffic to a website page that contains more packaged video, photo and written content about each program or event. You can see more on the social media platforms and check out the A-B Tech LIVE! page to link to all the segments we have covered.

We welcome your ideas for future A-B Tech Live! segments.

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