September 7, 2018 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

The Executive Committee of the Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a meeting on Friday, September 7, 2018, at 1:30 p.m. in the Simpson Building. Mary Ann Rice, Chair, presided.

The following members of the Executive Committee were present: Joe Brumit, Frances Ramsey, and Roger Metcalf.

Others present for the meeting included: Mike Fryar, Trustee; Bill Murdock, Trustee; Dennis King, President; Dirk Wilmoth, Vice President, Business and Finance/CFO; Beth Stewart, Vice President Instructional Services; George Wood, Interim Buncombe County Manager; and Carolyn Rice, Secretary to the Board.


Meeting Purpose

Discussion of the Article 46 Sales Tax, and the Curriculum Vision for A-B Tech Enka.


Article 46 Sales Tax

The Executive Committee agreed to meet with Mr. George Wood, Buncombe County’s Interim Manager to discuss the proceeds from the Article 46 Sales Tax. Mr. Wood thanked the Committee for the opportunity to meet and discuss the College’s needs. All facilities on the Asheville Campus are currently being assessed for maintenance and repair needs. All maintenance and repairs will be completed on a priority of need basis and paid for by the County using Article 46 funds.

Mr. Wood stated that going forward, Buncombe County needs to create a policy to address future funding of A-B Tech Capital Projects. Mr. Wood stated the following:

  1. Buncombe County will devise a plan to fund A-B Tech capital projects on an ongoing basis.
  2. The County will look at the College’s existing fund balance which includes:
    1. Either selling or not selling the A-B Tech Enka property.
    2. Determining an appropriate level of capital maintenance.
    3. Determining the trend-line for debt service payments.
    4. Determining a reasonable capital reserve to keep on hand at all times.
    5. Discussing what major capital projects are envisioned over the next six to eight years.
    6. Researching if any fund balance has been restricted for a new specific project.
  3. The debt payments to A-B Tech’s debt service have been compared and are accurate.
  4. The County will review the Debt Service Schedule to see what College projects were bought from it. The debt continues to decrease.

Dr. King informed Mr. Wood that A-B Tech Enka belongs to the Board of Trustees and that Buncombe County had ceased maintaining the facilities at A-B Tech Enka three years ago. Dr. King asked Mr. Wood to remove the potential sale of A-B Tech Enka from the budget discussion, which he did.

Mr. Wood stated that it is a North Carolina State Law that Buncombe County must maintain all College facilities, and that includes facilities at A-B Tech Enka.

Dr. King told Mr. Wood that the College lacks confidence in the County and that over $80,000 had been privately raised to support the Sales Tax Referendum, which was approved, to finance new facilities on campus.

Mr. Wood and the Executive Committee discussed the Sales Tax issue at length. Mr. Wood told the Committee that he understands the College’s frustration with the County and that the goal now is to move forward and get back on track with a policy that forces the County to adequately fund A-B Tech’s capital projects. Fortunately, the sales tax proceeds continue to grow while the College’s debt declines, so funds will be available for new projects.

Mr. Wood’s goal is to have a policy and procedure in place by the end of 2018 before a new County Manager is hired. Regarding the 70,000-square-foot building that was promised to the College, it is a discussion that should take place with the new County Manager, and will most likely be funded by a bond.

Additionally, to assess campus facilities, Mr. Greg Isreal is also in the process of conducting a utilization study on the Asheville Campus. Once completed, Mr. Wood stated that the County would present the facility utilization study results to the full Board, prior to being released publically.

Mr. Wood added that if the County comes up with a solid plan, and the utilization report finds that the College needs additional space, the County would consider constructing a new building.

Mr. Wood stated that the County is financially unable to repay the College any of the Article 46 funds which are to be used for operating expenses, and asked if the Committee was comfortable moving forward, and working together to agree on the priorities for the College.

The Committee stressed that open dialogue with the County must continue. Ms. Ramsey thanked Mr. Wood for his time and explanation of the situation.


Curriculum Vision For A-B Tech Enka

Dr. Beth Stewart described a three-year Curriculum Vision for A-B Tech Enka on which she and Dr. Shelley White collaborated. The Vision may be included in a new master plan being created by Mr. Charlie Ball for the A-B Tech Enka property. With the hope of expanding academics at A-B Tech Enka, and to help achieve a multi-campus status, the College proposes to focus on general education, industry, and health and wellness programs.

All of the programs will begin in continuing education and if successful, will then be offered as curriculum programs. Since Curriculum programs require a full-time faculty member, starting a program in Continuing Education is a cost-saving measure for the College and a way to determine if the program will be successful. The programs would be unique to A-B Tech Enka, and would not take enrollment away from the Victoria Road Campus.

The Vision is 100 percent contingent on the sale of part of A-B Tech Enka to Mr. Ball, who has expressed an interest in keeping an A-B Tech presence in Enka. The programs are designed to complement Mr. Ball’s vision for the A-B Tech Enka property and would be located in the Technology Commercialization Center (TCC) Building.



The meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn H. Rice
Board Secretary