Name and Address Change

Name Change

To make a name change, students must submit a Change of Vital Data form to the Information Desk in the Bailey Building or the A-B Tech Madison. The form and required documentation can also be faxed to (828) 281-9889, Attention Records, and Registration. Download Change of Vital Data form.

Along with the form, students must also provide legal documentation of their name and a picture ID. Acceptable documentation of a name change includes two of the following: a social security card (which is preferred), a marriage license, a court document, or a passport.

This process is the same for curriculum and Continuing Education students.


Preferred First Name Request

A-B Tech will allow students to request preferred first names for display in Moodle, student email, and on the A-B Tech student ID card. Preferred first names can be requested at any time; however, preferred first name changes cannot be processed during a term. Preferred first names will only be processed between terms. To request a preferred first name change, students must submit the Preferred First Name Request Form to the Information Desk in the Bailey Building, A-B Tech Madison, or by emailing If you have a legal name change, please refer to the instructions for how to submit a Change of Vital Data form.


Student Email Address/Username Change

After submitting a Change of Vital Data form, the IT Department will automatically update the Student's Email address and WebAdvisor/Moodle username.

For most students, changing a Student Email address/username can only occur between semesters; email addresses and usernames will not be changed until after a semester has finished. If your Student Email address or username is not changed between semesters, please contact the IT Helpdesk at or (828) 398-7550.

For students who don't use Moodle (such as Continuing Education students), changing the Student Email address (if applicable) and username may occur at any time.


Mailing Address and Personal Email Address Change

Mailing address changes and changes to any personal email addresses on file with the College must be made online through Self-Service. After logging in to Self-Service, select the menu icon at the top left, select “User Options”, then select "User Profile", and select the pencil ICON to edit your information. Be sure to select "confirm" to save your changes.


Submitted by a Family Member

A family member may submit a Change of Vital Data form, as long as they have the required documentation for the student, as well as the form signed by the student.