May 7, 2012 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened their quarterly meeting on Monday, May 7, 2012, at 3:30 p.m. in Magnolia Dining Room. David Wyatt, Chair, presided.

The following members of the Board were present: Tom Alexander, Troy Ball, Joe Brumit, Mary Ruth Fowler, Bill Hart, Richard Hurley, Don C. Locke, John Parham, Carol Peterson, Ray Spells, Chair David Wyatt, Vice-Chair Mandy Stone, and Jonathan Woody, SGA President.

Others present for the meeting included: Hank Dunn, President; Brian Willis, Vice President for Information Technology/CIO; Kaye Waugh, Vice President for Human Resources and Organizational Development; Debby Harmon, Interim Vice President for Student Services; Dennis King, Special Assistant to the President for Accreditation; Shelley White, Senior Executive Director for Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education; Melissa Quinley, Vice President for Instructional Services; Gene Loflin, Associate Vice President for Instructional Services; Martha Shanks, Secretary to the Board; Sara Smith, Special Assistant to the President; and Chris Campbell, College attorney.


Call To Order

Chair Wyatt read the ethics statement; no conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. Shanks called roll. A quorum was present. Dr. Dunn administered the oath of office to trustee Mr. Hurley, reappointed by the Boards of Education, and Mr. Brumit, reappointed by Buncombe County Commissioners.


Student Presentations

Ana Soto, NC Excellence Award and Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship Award Recipient Phi Theta Kappa & Phi Beta Lambda. A-B Tech’s Phi Theta Kappa and Phi Beta Lambda Chapters won many state and national awards. Recipients who were able to attend the meeting were recognized and honored.

Student Government Association (SGA)President-elect Mr. Jeffrey Woods was introduced by Jonathan Woods, current and graduating SGA President. Mr. Woods will serve on the 2012-2013 Board of Trustees as the ex-officio SGA representative. Ms. Michele Hathcock, Director of Student Life and Development, and Jonathan Woody, SGA President, shared information and slides from the 2012 alternative spring break program, where students volunteered their time to work with local not-for-profit organizations, including RiverLink and Manna Food Bank.


Staff Presentation - Enrollment Management Initiatives

Ms. Harmon, Interim Vice President, Student Services, gave a thorough summary of initiatives to increase and retain students through Enrollment Management.


Consent Agenda

The Board received the Consent Agenda one week prior to the meeting. Mr. Hurley moved to accept the Consent Agenda items to include: (A) Minutes of the February 6, 2012, Quarterly Board meeting, (B) Personnel Actions, (C) Budget Resolution Amendment, (D) Schedule of Investments, (E) State Funds Budget Transfers, (F) Blanket Approval of the President’s Travel fiscal year 2012-2013, (G) Approval of New and Revised Policies: 1. Academic Regulations, 2. Access to Secure Information, 3. Admissions, 4. Book Solicitations, 5. Bookstore (deletion of Policy), 6. Campus Visitors and Salespersons, 7. Code of Student Conduct, 8. College Holidays, 9. Curriculum Distance Instructions, 10. Employment, 11. Faculty and Staff Credentials, 12. Faculty Role in Governance, 13. Nondiscrimination, 14. Parental Leave, 15. Privacy of Student Records, 16. Student Due Process, 17. Student Investigations and Record Retention by Campus Police, 18. Substantive Change Reporting to SACSCOC, 19. Termination of Employment/Resignations, 20. Threat Assessment, 21. Tuition and Fees Refund Exceptions, and 22. Vacation Leave. Dr. Locke seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Dr. Locke recommended that the 3.G.2. Access to Secure Information includes a definition of what is meant by “sensitive information”, and includes HIPAA and FERPA references.

Dr. Locke recommended that references be added to 3.G.10. Employment. Dr. Dunn confirmed the policy will be checked to ensure clarity and include appropriate references.
Dr. Locke requested that wording be changed in 3.G.11. Faculty and Staff Credentials, that appropriate credentials be from an “accredited institution.”

Dr. Locke stated that the definition of due process in 3.G.16 Student Due Process should not be the verbatim constitutional guarantee against government acts, but one more closely allied to due process as guaranteed by colleges.


Resolutions/Action Items

4. A. Upon a motion by Mr. Brumit, seconded by Mr. Spells, the Board unanimously approved the Board Letter of Resolution to the Local Delegation. This letter will be signed by Chair Wyatt and sent to Senators Nesbitt, Apodaca, and Hise; and Representatives Fisher, Keever, Moffitt, and Rapp.

4. B. Upon a motion by Dr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Hart, the Board unanimously approved the selection of designer firms for a comprehensive sidewalk, parking lot, and signage project on the Asheville campus in priority order: 1) McGill & Associates, 2) Civil Designs, and 3) Mattern & Craig.

Mr. Alexander requested that the College carefully look to be sure there is no overlap between this project and the new health and workforce building project to ensure the best cost efficiency. Dr. Dunn confirmed that Mr. McKinney, CFO, will investigate to ensure no overlap exists.

4. C. Upon a motion by Mr. Hart, seconded by Mr. Alexander, the Board approved the following Benefits to Employees:

  1. 12 curriculum credits/year for full-time A-B Tech employees and immediate family
  2. $1000/year in public university degree pursuit for full-time employees
  3. Friday friendly: one Friday of every month to be casual or College insignia day
  4. Employee and Faculty member of the quarter.

Ms. Fowler is on record as voting against Item 3, Friday friendly, stating that as the College does not have a dress code, which she strongly advocates, she cannot support this benefit. Dr. Dunn concurred, stating that the College will form a Dress Code Task Force to address the issue.

4.D. This item requires no action by the Board at this time, but is brought as formal notice that a Board Constitution Change will be brought to the August 6 Board Meeting for a single word change to Article IX, Section 1, as follows:


Article IX Administration of Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College

Section 1. The President shall meet qualifications established by the State Board of Community Colleges. She/he shall be elected by the Board of Trustees with full authority and responsibility for the operation and administration of the College under the policies, rules, and regulations of the Board of Trustees and the State Board of Community Colleges.


Trustee Business

5. A. Chair Wyatt appointed a nominating committee to select Board of Trustee officers to replace the current roster of officers as required by the Board of Trustee Constitution at the August 6 Board meeting. Ms. Fowler, Mr. Spells, and Mr. Alexander accepted nominations as members of this committee.

5. B. Vice-Chair Stone gave an update on issues discussed in monthly Executive Committee meetings, including SACSCOC updates, Buncombe County bond issue as related to construction, policy and procedure reviews, and the ongoing focus on budget issues.

5. C. At Mr. Hurley’s request, Mr. Willis shared the availability of online computer training available through the College’s contract with Information will be sent to Trustees to log on to the site and choose the training they deem useful.

5. D. Mr. Hurley shared information from the February ACCT National Legislative Summit in Washington DC.

5. E. Mr. Hart shared information from the April NCACCT Law Seminar in Raleigh. Chair Wyatt stated the Board needs to be fully represented at the upcoming NCACCT Leadership Seminar being held in Asheville, NC September 5-7.

5. F. The Board Development Retreat Committee, chaired by Dr. Locke, with Mr. Hart, Ms. Fowler, Mr. Hurley, Ms. Stone, and Mr. Woody have developed plans for the June 20 Board Development Retreat. It will be held at the Governor’s Western Residence starting at 8:30 a.m. with a continental breakfast and ending at noon. Ms. Judy Futch will facilitate the meeting.


President's Report

6. A. Dr. Dunn discussed the Strategic Plan Update Report for 2011-2012, included in the packet sent to the Board before the meeting.

6. B. The 2012-2013 Strategic Plan was included in the packet sent to the Board before the meeting. Update reports will be brought to the Board at each quarterly meeting.

6. C. Ms. Quinley updated the Board on SACSCOC accreditation activities. Programs will not be offered in high schools in fall 2012 in order to give time for proper SACSCOC notification before offering in spring 2013. SACSCOC reaccreditation efforts are focusing on confirming that all faculty have properly documented credentials on file.

6. D. Dr. Dunn shared that the College is re-developing its website with a focus on making it easy to understand and use. The goal is to have the site up by July 1, 2012.
A handout of the College Vision-Mission Values statement was included with the Board packet. The College is focused on living these words in all its activities.


Reports and Information

A written report from each Vice President/Senior Executive Director on his/her respective division was sent to the Trustees prior to the meeting. Trustees found the reports very informative and had no questions. Mr. Woody, SGA President, shared this is his last Board meeting and stated his appreciation to Board members for his term of service. Chair Wyatt expressed his appreciation to Mr. Woody for his service to the school and as a member of the Board.


Closed Session

Upon a motion by Dr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Parham, the Board unanimously voted to go into closed session at 5:35 p.m. pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11, subsections (a)(1) and (a)(6) to consider a personnel matter and under subsection (a)(3) to discuss matters protected by the attorney-client privilege. The Board discussed and approved the 2011-2012 President’s Evaluation for Dr. Dunn during the closed session, which will now be submitted to the North Carolina Community College System.

Upon a motion by Mr. Hart, seconded by Mr. Hurley, the Board unanimously voted to return to open session at 5:58 p.m.


Open Session

Upon a motion by Dr. Parham, seconded by Mr. Hart the Board approved authorized the filing of the complaint against Action Target and authorized the Executive Committee to act as a litigation committee for the Hemlock building lawsuit. Dr. Locke opposed the motion.



Upon a motion by Dr. Parham, seconded by Ms. Fowler, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn at 6:10 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha L. Shanks
Board Secretary