March 21, 2013 Special Called Meeting

The Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees convened a special called meeting on Thursday, March 21, 2013, at 4:00 p.m. in Rhododendron #344. Richard Hurley, Chair, presided.

The following members of the Board were present: Tom Alexander, Troy Ball, Joe Brumit, Mary Ruth Fowler, Bill Hart, Don Locke, Kaye Myers, John Parham, Carol Peterson, Mandy Stone, David Wyatt, Chair Richard Hurley, and Lin Orndorf, SGA President.

Others present for the meeting included: Hank Dunn, President; Brian Willis, Vice President for Information Technology/CIO; Kaye Waugh, Vice President for Human Resources and Organizational Development; Shelley White, Senior Executive Director for Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education; Melissa Quinley, Vice President for Instructional Services; Martha Shanks, Secretary to the Board; Martha Ball, Communications Specialist, Community Relations and Marketing; and Chris Campbell, College attorney.


Call To Order

Mr. Hurley read the ethics statement; no conflicts of interest were reported. Ms. Shanks called roll. A quorum was present.

At 4:02 p.m., upon a motion by Mr. Hurley, seconded by Mr. Wyatt, the Board entered into closed session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(a)(1) and (3) in order to discuss confidential personnel issues in accordance with G.S. 115D-27-29 and to discuss matters protected by the attorney-client privilege, respectively. The motion was approved unanimously by the Board.

At 5:51 p.m., upon a motion by Mr. Hart, seconded by Ms. Fowler, the Board unanimously approved to enter into open session.

After a five-minute break, the Board continued the meeting in an open session. Dr. Dunn shared some news with the Board:

  • Curriculum enrollment is up six percent this term.
  • The culinary hot food team won the Southeast championship.

Dr. Dunn reviewed the top administrative priorities at the College:

  • SACSCOC reaccreditation report
  • Economic development
  • The College is following progress in the legislature on the state budget. The Governor is proposing reducing the averaging of community college enrollment used to calculate the funding colleges receive from three years to two. As A-B Tech enrollment has been up for the last few years, our numbers will not be affected as much based on that calculation. Overall, community colleges will probably receive one percent less in state funds in 2013-2014 due to several factors. Final state budget decisions, as they affect the College, will be relayed to the Board once they are known.
  • Achieving the Dream and Completion by Design initiatives

Dr. Dunn updated Trustees on capital projects and the College’s partnership with Buncombe County:

  • Bids for the public service building open this or next week. The building appears to still be on target to be open in late winter/early spring 2014.
  • 93 Victoria Road purchase is complete. Safety and aesthetic improvements to the building are ongoing.
  • The Enka chiller has been replaced.
  • Paving sidewalks and parking lots are slower than projected. Work is anticipated to start within one week.

Mr. Campbell reminded Trustees of the arrangements with the County regarding capital projects:

  • Buncombe County is the agent for building with Jon Creighton the lead representative and negotiator.
  • Joe Bace, the architect, is the College’s facilities director at the table for all important decisions.
  • In addition, two outside consultants are engaged in decisions.
  • Mr. Campbell and Mr. Mike Frue from the county review all legal documents.

Dr. Locke asked if all buildings purchased and under construction are owned by the county. Mr. Campbell responded that is correct because the county is using the buildings as collateral for building costs. The buildings will be returned to the College once they are completed and the bonds repaid.

Dr. Dunn will issue a statement to the press by noon tomorrow regarding the controversy surrounding the appointment of Wayne Brigman to the Board of Trustees. Dr. Locke, Mr. Hart, and Mr. Hurley will help prepare the statement.

Dr. Locke moved, seconded by Ms. Fowler, to change the Board Constitution to read that the Board will hold monthly meetings going forward, rather than stated quarterly meetings. Mr. Campbell stated that in order to modify the Board Constitution, the Board must be given advance notice of the proposed change. The motion was therefore dropped, and the proposed change will be brought to the Board at the quarterly May 6, 2013 meeting, with proper advance notice.

Dr. Locke moved, seconded by Ms. Fowler, to hold a special called meeting on the first Monday in April. In consideration of the tight time frame between this meeting and April 1, and April 1 being the first Monday after the Spring holiday, Dr. Locke withdrew his motion. The next Board meeting will be the quarterly meeting on May 6, 2013.



Upon a motion by Mr. Alexander, seconded by Mr. Hart, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn at 6:09 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha L. Shanks
Board Secretary